More on Restaurants II

Last Thursday we went to a local (Palermo) restaurant on Av. Charcas called Restaurante Paté. The service was great and the fritas here (while not my priority for a good meal) were the best chips I have had yet in BsAs. The meals were really tasty too with my Bife de Chorizo and Kellie's Milanesa Napoletana both very hearty. The next night we tried a place across the road called Tabaré Parilla which has completely blown me away as far as the food is concerned. Kellie had the rack of lamb with mushroom sauce and I had a huge cut of lamb which was so succulent and tender. This is a must do, although be careful with how you order here as the service can be a bit lacking. Having said that we did get some complimentary glasses of chapagne to finish the night. Both places weren't as cheap as the others but with mains still in the $25-30peso range at the end of the meal you are still only paying a total of about AUD$25 each for awesome food and accompanying drinks. It was so good that we went back last night with friends Roger and Dru which was when the waiter stuffed up a couple of the orders. I still recommend this place. Try it.

Posted byAndrew at 4:38 am  


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