Milongas here
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Haven't been to as many milongas as expected and so far have only been to La Viruta/La Estrella at the Armenian Club, Niño Bien on Humerto Primo, Porteño y Bailarin on Riobamba, and Salon Canning with a visit to a practica With Kellie and I feeling a bit run down after CITA it was nice to have a couple of nights to relax and sleep in a bit the next day. I haven't been overly impressed by the dancing at these events and can only attribute it to too many visitors who don't have the skills to dance in small spaces... I also think a lot of the locals are being more protective of 'their' venues and trying to muscle-out the newcomers a bit. The floors have all been very packed and also have been hard to find a table. My favourite night so far has been dancing at Porteño y Bailarin which is a strange 'L' shaped club with two dance floors (playing the same music though). We got to see El Flaco Dany perform again -- we had already seen him perform one tango and two milongas at La Estrella Sat 17th to do two encores -- to live music which consisted of two acoustic guitars and a great singer doing their thing. The floor was small and he packed a lot into that space.
Salon Canning on Friday night was a bit funny as there was a lot of jostling on the dance floor. I was keeping my movements as small and as basic as possible but still had to lead a quick turn everynow and then so that Kellie didn't get flattened by some big lummox on the floor. My back was very sore the next day. Oh yes.... El Flaco Dany was there that night too! He probably thinks we're stalking him - or maybe it is the other way around. Julio Balmaceda and Corina De La Rosa were also at the bar for a lot of the night too. The cortinas (music to signify the end of a group of songs or tanda) were old Beatles songs that had been redubbed in Spanish.
Posted byAndrew at 4:54 am