Australian tanguerras
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Have met some great people over here who are from different tango organisations in Sydney and Canberra. We've been out to dinner a few times and it has been nice to go to the milongas here as part of a larger group. We certainly haven't had any shortage of fun.
Posted byAndrew at 3:39 am 0 comments
Bad coffee and ordinary pizzas
Friday, March 16, 2007
We were warned about the crappiness of both the coffee and the pizzas over here and I have to say I wasn't concerned at first, but yes.... they are rather bad. Coffees are extremely weak or so heavily roasted that they are very bitter and hard to get through. Pizzas are an interesting experience. The crust is a bit thicker than back at home and the sliced ingredients are layered with a lot of cheese. They love eggs on pizza too. Some aren't too bad, but definitely missing Amalfi and La Trattoria. Surprisingly our local grocer has some fairly fresh fruit and veg which was another thing we were warned about. I think we may have been lucky.
Apart from that the dining experiences have all been great. Bife de Chorizo, Bife de Lomo, Empanadas, Media lunes, etc etc have kept us going. My iron count should be off the scales.
Posted byAndrew at 9:32 am 2 comments
Blog entries
Monday, March 12, 2007
Just a quick note to let you know that a lot of these blog entries are post dated at the moment. It has been a bit hard to get away and get to an Internet cafe so I've been trying to keep notes and get to write them when I can. Most dates and times for the posts are stamped with the rough time they happened.
Speak soon.
Posted byAndrew at 6:30 am 2 comments