Countdown: only one day to go
Monday, March 05, 2007
At the time of this post, it is officially only 30 hours until we board the plane which commences our journey to Buenos Aires.
We leave at 6am in the morning on Wednesday, which means a horrendous 3am start in order to get to the airport with enough time to make sure our baggage is booked straight through to Santiago, Chile. I have done this flight for work a few times now (although I usually have to disembark at Sydney), but it is just not the same this time around.... I don't even know if we'll sleep that well at all.
We just got home from catching up with some friends for a last drink at the Gilbert in the city and it was nice to relax in that calming environment before leaving and throwing ourselves in the deep end.
Posted byAndrew at 11:30 pm