It's raining, it's pouring....

It really bucketed down last night while we were eating dinner with Roger and Dru last night. The rain was so hard that it flooded the streets. After it calmed down enough (and the weather too) we left the restaurant (more here) to a bit of thunder and lightning and went for a coffee nearby. Not sure how it happened but Roger ended up carrying Kellie across the flooded streets getting his shoes and socks wet, while I jumped across safely and Dru took off her shoes and waded across. Funny stuff. We were all feeling pretty tired after our respective weeks so I managed to get through a cafe doble (mug of strong coffee) quite easily while everyone else had their drinks of choice. Roger was debating his third coffee when we decided to call it a night and get out of there. Roger obligingly carried Kellie across the road again (where was I? Laughing too much at the sight) and we said our goodbyes outside our apartment (which was very close). Roger and Dru will be leaving BsAs on Monday (don't forget that we are about 13.5 hours behind Adelaide time) so it was nice to see them off and celebrate Dru's birthday and my upcoming 30th birthday. Will definitely be doing something else on that night.

Posted byAndrew at 5:27 am  


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