First day in Buenos Aires....

It hasn't hit me that we are in Buenos Aires yet....

On the way to the apartment from the airport, it is obvious there are a lot of disadvantaged people living here. The accommodation they live in is pretty sketchy and it doesn't look very stable... like the apartment blocks will topple like dominos in a stiff breeze.

The apartment is very secure and is turned out beautifully. We even received a gift from the owner when we arrived of some bottled water, soft drink and chocolates.

We met up with Lisa from Sydney and Imogen our travelling partner and went out to Neo Tango to check out some local tango shoes.... very impressed. Their prices are a bit dearer than a lot of the other stores here apparently, but still translate to about AUD$100 which is still muy bien! They had some bizarre looking men's shoes in purple bristle material... Strange. Will be coming back here as we didn't buy anything just yet... want to get a feel for what else is available.

Lunchtime was spent at a small local eatery around the corner from our accommodation where we shared ravioli, steak and salad for only about AUD$18 in total. The salads here are a bit strange but the pasta and steak were really good. The steak especially is of a really good quality and this one was quite large too (better get used to it I think). Bought some groceries from just around the other corner and I tried my very best to order our smallgoods from the counter in my best Spanish.... I think I did pretty well considering I've had no lessons. Understanding what people are saying to me is another story.

More on that later.....

Posted byAndrew at 3:30 pm  


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