More on restaurants

We have had some really nice dining experiences here, some of them more formal than others.

  • Chiquilin on Montevideo and Sarmiento near where we were staying -- formal parilla restaurant... bit pricey compared with other experiences, but I think the bill was still only about $40pesos each for mains, sides and drinks.
  • Pippo's on Montevideo and Sarmiento. Next door to Chiquillin... Cannot compare this parilla with Chiquillin... it wouldn't be fair, but it was still a nice experience. The food here was okay and the prices I think were definitely reasonable. I think we got away from this meal of pasta and Bife de Lomo for about AU$25.
  • Campo dei Fiori on San Jose and Venezuela -- another more formal Argentine parilla place, with really really good pasta. Prices were similar to Chiquillin.
  • Marini Gourmet -- buffet style with all Argentine and international food represented... very good and the parilla is awesome. BBQ Lamb leg was great. Total bill was about $29pesos for food, another $10 for drinks and $5 for the band.... yes we had to pay for the band that we didn´t know would be there. It was a fun night regardless.
It's funny as we've been here for awhile and are now thinking in Pesos and not Australian dollars anymore. It's funny looking through the menu and going 'geeze this place is expensive' when you see mains of about $20-$25 pesos but then have to realise that is still less than AU$15 for really good food... The quality of the food at restaurants ... especially when ordering from the parilla or pasta menus is usually excellent.

Cafes have been okay too, but some are definitely not at the same level as the restaurants.
  • Cervantes II -- the best and cheapest cafe. It was reliable and very close to where we were originally staying for CITA. Milanesa con Fritas (schnitzel with chips) for $6pesos is not one to miss.
  • Scuzi... absolutely no resemblance to its Aussie namesake. It was okay but I reckon overpriced for what you are getting.
  • La Opera... one we went to a few times but similar to Scuzi. Their service was good though.
Might try and add or amend this list as I find things scribbled down or remember them.

Posted byAndrew at 9:11 am  


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