Blog entries

Just a quick note to let you know that a lot of these blog entries are post dated at the moment. It has been a bit hard to get away and get to an Internet cafe so I've been trying to keep notes and get to write them when I can. Most dates and times for the posts are stamped with the rough time they happened.

Speak soon.

Posted byAndrew at 6:30 am  


Tiziana said... 11:25 am  

Glad to hear you have arrived in BsAs safe and well and survived your first taxi ride from airport! No rest for the wicked, good to see you have launched immediately into tango shoe shops and steaks! Hmmm you must be at the opeing of CITA right about now - cannot wait to hear your thoughts on dancing with the locals!

PS: Gotan were fabulous - excruciating though with no dance space!

Take care

Andrew said... 9:32 am  

Heya Tiz. We've really been having a ball over here and still feel a bit sluggish from the trip and then throwing ourselves straight into milongas. Have seen Color Tango and Tanghetto play live already so not as sad about missing out on Gotan now. Still would have been a great show!


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