Google Maps and Local Live

I've had a little bit of fun in the last few days looking at the physical locations of where we are staying and visiting on the Google Maps (GM) and Microsoft Local Live (LL) tools. Both have their limitations (GM doesn't have street details but decent satellite imagery of Buenos Aires, where LL has the reverse) but between the two I have managed to get a good idea of what the areas are like.

One of the major highways in Buenos Aires is called 9 De Julio and it is a monster.... 12 lanes of traffic ... don't want to be caught in the middle of that one. The area around our apartments looks nice with some parks and city squares in the area of both. The Recoleta cemetery is visible and just looks just like another neighbourhood in the area from above.

Map for Buenos Aires Downtown centred near where we are staying during CITA. Google Maps, Local Live

Map for Ipanema beach, Rio de Janeiro where we stay for 6 days before flying home. Google Maps, Local Live

You can click and drag around the map to change the view point and also zoom in and out. A cool feature they both have (if the data exists) is to overlay the street map onto the satellite imagery. All you need to do is click on "Map/Road", "Satellite/Aerial" or "Hybrid" to see the different view points.

Posted byAndrew at 10:19 pm  


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